winter solstice (冬至 )

Winter Solstice (冬至 ) 

The Chinese has a lot of festive celebrations and Winter solstice or fondly known as Dong Zhi is one of the important festivals apart from Chinese New year. The ancient sages made use of their astrology knowledge and through observation, they realise that during this day (Winter Solstice) Winter will be finishing soon as the daytime will last longer after this day. Therefore there will be a lot of celebrations going on to welcome spring. That’s why there is a saying of Dong Zhi Yi Yang Sheng.

Apart from the weather forecast, it is always said that Dong Zhi is greater than Chinese New year. I am sure a lot of readers may be heard from the elderly folks saying without celebrating Dong Zhi you are not to celebrate Chinese New Year.

This is because based on records Dong Zhi originates from Zhou and Han dynasty. At that time, their calendar system would recognise this day starting of a new month and consider this as a Chinese New Year. After the unification done by Emperor Qing, even with the new calendar system, commoners still celebrate Dong Zhi as if it was their Chinese New Year, therefore at that time, it was like a pre-New Year celebration before the actual New Year starts under the new calendaring system.

Such celebration continues and it became grander during Song dynasty. At that time Dong Zhi is considered a major festive system where the Emperor will take this opportunity to offer prayers to the heavens and hope that heaven will bestow his country and people with good weather and improved harvest.

These chain of celebrations evolved to a habit for the Chinese to pray our ancestors and deities at our own home as well. As such this is how I derived the saying of Dong Zhi is more important event than Chinese New Year. Dong Zhi symbolises reunion as well, all members of the family come together to prepare the offerings.

In terms of Chinese Metaphysics, some masters have this practise that they would have placed the next year Feng Shui ornament on this day since this a major shift of energy. Apart from Feng Shui, thanksgiving offering to Tai Sui should be done on this day as well. This marks a way of appreciating the yearly Tai Sui has provided you a blessing for the past one year.

Having doubts on praying Tai Sui? You could send you enquires to
CM Centre would take this opportunity to wish all our readers a blessed Dong Zhi!



除此之外,也有人說,冬至圓,冬至大如年。而且本人也相信讀者們也跟本人小時也是聽 過長輩說沒有過冬就沒有過年類似的說法。




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