2023 Feng Shui Analysis
The shift in energy is an annual affair. And because of the shift, every sector in the house that is receiving the energy will be different. As part of keeping on with the tradition, CM Centre has listed out all the good and bad sectors in the year 2023. We have even placed a flying star matrix to allow readers to differentiate the energy of the stars. A word of caution, just avoid the blue font wording for groundbreaking activities you be fine.
Of course, CM Centre welcomes you to email us @ info@cmecentre.sg to enquire about our Feng Shui and Date selection services. We will be more than happy to provide our annual Feng Shui audit services for your household or to provide you with a good day from our Date Selection services to help you invite your deity to your household or start a renovation.
2023 癸卯風水分析
所謂風水輪流傳, 每一年的風水佈局都會有不同, 今年也不例外。玄學官為此發揚玄學的精神在此把2023 壬寅年的風水吉凶方位寫上。而且把吉凶星全部列上好讓讀者容易辨認吉凶。盡量不要在凶的方位動土即可。當然如果有不明白的地方,玄學官歡迎你們電郵至:info@cmcentre.sg 查詢風水或者擇日訊息為你看風水或者為你擇個好日子來為你的屋宅迎接神明或者裝修屋子。